Make your preschool time easier, educational, and fun.

When you use the lesson plans from Lovin' Life with Littles, your preschooler will learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, art, science, math, and more. Plus, important concepts like kindness and healthy choices are brought into the lessons. Each lesson plan includes activities for talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing, which are the building blocks for being ready to read. These lesson plans are educational, fun, and budget-friendly.

Preschool done for you.

Request this free lesson plan checklist for A is for Alphabet! Receive easy-to-follow preparation instructions with everything you need to do to be ready for your home preschool lesson. The free download also includes the Lesson Outline with ideas for games, books, music, craft, snack, and more. Whether preschool is a group or just you and one child, these lesson plans are flexible and fun!

What's being said about these Preschool Lesson Plans...

"Just used this lesson again! The Fragrance flowers are so fun (we chose lemon juice and vanilla extract) and a new memory game is always a hit! Thank you for all the printables and quality assembled ideas. It makes preschool so fun and simple!"

"The songs, the mixing colors, the color scavenger preschool loved this whole lesson plan and it was a piece of cake for me as I just used all of your ideas! THANK YOU for putting them together and making it so simple for me and fun for the kids! You have a gift!"

"We just used your 'squishy bag', 'Do Your Ears Hang Low' video, and the instrument guessing game. All three were awesome. My older kids came home part way through so we had to re-do the instrument guessing game because they thought it was way fun. And then when my neighbor kids came over later in the day, they all wanted to do school so they could get a 'squishy bag.' Thank you for the fun ideas and for making them so accessible!

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